Artifact 1: The American Dream Travel Co.
1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
A: Invention, Ingenuity, Entrepreneurs ; The prezi shows how innovative entrepreneurs (in this case, Daniel and me), try to design the best tour package to attract travellers. Much creativity is included, and ingenuity can be seen in the activities that we designed. Transportation inventions (trains, steamships...etc.) are also listed in each destination package.
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
A: Human Movement and Migration (travelling through the United States) ; Communication and Transportation Revolution (trains, steamships...etc.) ; Buildin the Modern Economy (tourism)
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
A: Daniel and I thought Prezi is a suitable software to present the destination packages because it seems like you're having an invisible tour guide introducing the different places when you're jumping from one spot to another on prezi. Prezi also allows multiple editors, thus making it easier for us to cooperate. We spent almost 7 hours on creating this artifact.
3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
A: Important places in each of the 5 states and their historical importance, traditions and cultures of each destination (such as clothing and food...), the transportation in the 1800s, entertainments at that time.
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
A: No, because the latter destination packages seem to become more and more boring. They aren't as captivating as the previous ones.
5. Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio
b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
c) Impact on your learning d) Level of creativity and originality
A: a) 5; Successful cooperation ratchet up the artifact's quality, thus enhancing my portfolio. Besides, prezi is one of the convenient presentation tool that's indispensable to an excellent case study (adds technology!)
b) 4; It was quite frustrating when I had to organize everything. I hate it when all information is thrown around the canvas without being arranged properly. Besides that, I enjoyed designing the schedules, activities, and our fabulous travel company. FAST and FURIOUS!
c) 3; I didn't really learned any sophisticated or detailed information, but I understood many general facts about each place.
d) 5; We made our own company, designed unique activities and schedules, and even thought of captivating mottos to pull the attention of eager travellers. I believe the prezi includes much originality and creativity.
6. Any additional comments.
A: I'm the organizer and final editor of the prezi. I did the first three destination packages, and Daniel finished the rest. We hope you enjoy our work!
Artifact 2: A Map of the Railroads
This is a poster illustrating the Union Pacific Railway and the first Transcontinental Railroad ever built in the United States. The Union Pacific Railroad Company contributed almost 2/3 of the Transcontinental Railroad, starting from Omaha, Nebraska all the way to Promontory, Utah. On the poster, you can see two pictures portraying the very last process of the construction. All the workers, shopkeepers from Central Pacific Railroad Company, and executors from the Union Pacific aggregated at the Promontory Point in which they joined the last sections of the railroad and held the Golden Spike Ceremony.
Besides those pictures, I also included some illustrations of Chinese workers trying to fight through the Sierra Mountains. Copious Chinese workers died because of the harsh weather and geography. Chemical explosions harmed the workers and snow storms wiped them out. They were mournful and their lamentation weren't sympathized. They were also a problem for the shopkeepers because the Chinese rebelled for having to work in such rough conditions.
On the other hand, the Union Pacific faced the Native Americans' remonstrations. The construction of the railroad intruded their territories, and the Indians thought the white were affecting their culture. As they ambushed railroads, many were killed as punishment.
That's what I want to portray. Even though the Transcontinental Railroad laid the groundwork for a prosperous transportation system and economy later in the late 1800s, the ideas of prejudice and unfair treatments towards Native Americans were still rampant in a way that stained this part of the American history with racism and injustice.
1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
A: Evolution: Science and Religion (The construction of railroad involves using physics, engineering, and other science studies. The Transcontinental Railroad could be considered as an important milestone in American transportation and science history.)
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
A: Building the Modern Economy (enable faster transportation, faster trading, and boosted economic growth); Communication and Transportation Revolution (the building of the first Transcontinental Railroad)
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
A: Drawing the railroad is also a creation of artwork, which I love to do. I spent almost 5 hours to outline the United States and railroad and find pictures related to the topic.
3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
A: Chinese workers' statuses during the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad, Union Pacific Railway, and the Native Americans' thoughts.
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
A: No. Although this is a difficult artwork, I didn't learn much from drawing railroads.
5. Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio
b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
c) Impact on your learning d) Level of creativity and originality
A: a) 5; This is the first map in my portfolio.
b) 4; The only reason why it's not rated 5 is because it was quite frustrating when I was drawing the states.
c) 1; Not much learning, just drawing the railroad.
d) 3; It's quite creative, but this idea of mapping US railroads was actually originated from the teacher.
6. Any additional comments.
A: Found the pictures on the Internet ... and the locations of the states weren't really accurate!
Artifact 3: Google Earth Tour - Mapping Lewis and Clark's Expedition
1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
A: The Notion of the Frontier (because Lewis and Clark were assigned to explore the uncharted West and have a greater understanding of this new territory)
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
A: Human Movement and Migration (travelling and exploring the West)
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
A: This is a manditory artifact, and I spent around 5 hours to research, do the actual google earth tour, edit the video, and uploading it to youtube.
3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
A: The hardships Lewis and Clark faced during the exploration, reasons for exploring the vast area, and the beneficial results of this expedition.
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
A: No, because the quality of the video wasn't really good. There was this sizzling sound when I was speaking.
5. Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio
b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
c) Impact on your learning d) Level of creativity and originality
A: a) 2; Well, the sizzling sound was kind of annoying. But besides that, I made a great improvement in Google Earth tours because I edited the video this time, not like my first tour in Case Study 1.
b) 1; I don't really enjoy creating a Google Earth tour, but the learning inside it worths!
c) 5; Learned a lot about the Lewis and Clark Expedition, its consequences, and the relationships between white and Native Americans.
d) 2; Not creative enough, besides the "pilot speaking" part...
6. Any additional comments.
A: Sorry if you're annoyed by the "sizzling" sound behind my voice. I didn't know how to eliminate that ... Sorry for the inconvenience!
Artifact 4: Gapminder Analysis
Graph 1: Children per woman (total fertility) vs. Life expectancy at birth (years)
Children per woman (total fertility): Total fertility rate. The number of children that would be born to each woman with prevailing age-specific fertility rates.
Life expectancy at birth (years): The average number of years a newborn child would live if current mortality patterns were to stay the same.
The United States started at 7.03 for the total fertility rate in 1800. On the other hand, the life expectancy at births was 39.41 years in 1800. From then on, the total fertility rate kept dropping, while the other indicator remained around 39.41, until 1880. From 1880 to 1900, the total fertility slanted to the lower right corner from 7.03 to 3.81 and not changing vertically anymore. Meanwhile, life expectancy increased gradually from 39.41 years to nearly 50 years by at the end of 19th century.
Why were women having up to 7 children at the beginning of 19th century? The United States was still a developing country at that time, and women were generally maltreated and uneducated. But in 1836, the climate in the United States was inconceivably erratic. People experienced extreme hot and cold weathers and the abrupt changes of thermometer (the temperature often varied from 20 degrees to 30 degrees in one day) that were unfavorable for health.
The people, particularly those that resided in the Eastward of the Alleghanie, proved that the climate was unhealthy. "The women are generally thin and pale faced, with flat ricketty figures," according to Thomas Cather in The Effect of Climate on the Health of Americans. That was one of the reasons why the total fertility rate wasn't high. Both men and women were affected by the climate.
The mortality decline, starting from 1880, seemed to be the result of better public health and sanitation, especially sewage disposal and water supplies. This led to a drastic reduction in infectious diseases, including pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchitis. Some lethal diseases, such as cholera, smallpox, and diphtheria weren't also as frequent as in the previous years. Large cities also began to implement public works sanitation projects, such as piped water and sewer systems. Then, of course, had big improvements in death rate.
The mortality decline, starting from 1880, seemed to be the result of better public health and sanitation, especially sewage disposal and water supplies. This led to a drastic reduction in infectious diseases, including pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchitis. Some lethal diseases, such as cholera, smallpox, and diphtheria weren't also as frequent as in the previous years. Large cities also began to implement public works sanitation projects, such as piped water and sewer systems. Then, of course, had big improvements in death rate.
Graph 2: CO2 emissions (tonnes per person) vs. Income per person (GDP/capita, inflation-adjusted $)
CO2 emissions (tonnes per person) : carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels. (metric tonnes of CO2 per person)
Income per person (GDP/capita, inflation-adjusted $) : Gross domestic product per person adjusted for differences in purchasing power (in international dollars, fixed 2005 prices, PPP based on 2005 ICP).
Starting in 1820 in the graph, the United States was accounted to have 0.08 tonnes of CO2 emissions per person and $2011 for gross domestic product per person. For almost 60 years, CO2 emissions remained around 1, and there were no significant increase or fluctuations. However, it gradually rose in the late 19th century, reaching 8.7 in 1900. On the other hand, "income per person" kept increasing from the original $2011 to $6624 by the end of the 1800s.
Since the mid-1800s, U.S. emissions of carbon dioxide rose significantly and were accounted for 29% of global total. Those 328,000 million metric tons of CO2 emissions are the most of any country and were even three times greater than that of China (93,000). For what reasons did United States emit so much CO2 relatively during mid-1800s?
Railroads made a decisive impact on the US's economy, making it possible to transit to a urban industrial nation. Railroads opened up remote areas, cutting down the prices of transporting goods and passenger travels and also prompted more industries, such as steel and telegraphy. Cities such as Atlanta, Billings, Chicago, and Dallas all experienced an expansion in economy and population. However, the construction of railroads and rising industries burned fossil fuels and other natural resources that increased CO2 emissions.
By 1860, 16% of the people lived in cities with 2500 or more people. Most of the nation's income came from manufacturing. Urbanized industry was limited in the Northeast; At that time, cotton cloth production was the leading industry. Between 1845 and 1855, some 300,000 European immigrants arrived annually. As more and more manufacturing companies transferred to urbanized industries, more greenhouse gases were produced, causing the rise of CO2 emissions at that time.
Looking at "income per person", the construction of railroads and urbanization both contributed to economic growth. Besides these two factors, the Gilded Age from 1865 to 1900 especially increased the income per person in the nation.
The Gilded Age was a period of rapid economic growth after the Civil War that laid the groundwork for modern United States economy. By 1890, the US exceeded Britain in manufacturing output. A variety of inventions exploded at this time. Railroads expanded mileage and built stronger tracks that supported heavier locomotives and enabled faster trading. The telephone, phonograph, electric light, and typewriter were invented.
Besides these new transportation and inventions, the nation's industrial infrastructure also benefited United State's economy. An opulence of coal was found in the Appalachian Mountains. Oil was discovered in western Pennsylvania. Iron ore mines opened in the Lake Superior region. Copper and silver mines also opened.
The Gilded Age saw the greatest economic growth in United States history. From 1869 to 1879, the US economy grew at a rate of 6.8% for real GDP and 4.5% for real GDP per capita. The wealth of United States grew at an annual rate of 3.8% in the 1880s.
Indeed, as the renowned economist Milton Friedman stated: The highest decadal rate [of growth of real reproducible, tangible wealth per head from 1805 to 1950] for periods of about ten years was apparently reached in the eighties with approximately 3.8 percent.
1. The Gilded Age
2. American Industrial Revolution
Graph 3: Insufficient data for a meaningful answer!
Because the remaining indicators don't have combinations that show the trends of the United States in the 1800s, a third graph is unavailable for evaluation. Sorry for the inconvenience!
1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
A: Human Health (Graph 1: expounded on the reasons for the decreasing of total fertility rate and mortality rate ... Health conditions improved.)
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
A: Building the Modern Economy (rising income per person, findings of natural resources, innovative inventions) ; Urbanization : Construction of the Modern City (European immigrants and the transition of manufacturing industries to urbanized industries); Human Movement and Migration (immigrating Europeans); Invention, Ingenuity, and Entrepreneurs (phonograph, telephone, electric light...etc.); Communication and Transportation Revolution (telephone, telegraph...etc.)
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
A: This is a manditory artifact, and those two graphs are the only ones with the data in 1800s incorporated. Other graphs show trends after 1900. I spent 3 hours analyzing the graphs.
3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
A: Health conditions/improvements that affected mortality and fertility rates, various inventions in the late 19th century, industrial transitions, urbanization in the US, and the Gilded Age.
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
A: No, because there wasn't any creativity in the artifact.
5. Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio
b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
c) Impact on your learning d) Level of creativity and originality
A: a) 1; Not much creativity, so didn't elevate the overall quality of my portfolio.
b) 3; I don't really enjoy analyzing data and graphs. However, I was quite joyful this time because I learned a lot about the United States's economy during the 19th century.
c) 5; Analyzing Gapminder always teaches me a lot, as I've stated in Q3.
d) -5; No creativity, just analyses and facts.
6. Any additional comments.
A: Are my analyses correct?
Artifact 5: Primary Source Evaluation - OPVL
Completing the Transcontinental Railroad, 1869 - Driving the Golden Spike
Article Link:
1. Origin
Alexander Topence was the author of this article and created this primary source. It was created in 1923 in the United States. This document was published by Botkin, B.A. and Alvin Harlow (eds.) A Treasury of Railroad Folklore in the US in 1953.
Born in Belfore, France, Alexander Topence was an American pioneer in the United States. He was notable for working in copious vocations, such as being a logger, cowboy, Pony Express rider, and gold prospector. He also performed various services for the Union Pacific. Topence spent most of his later life in Utah and attended the Golden Spike ceremony at Promontory, Utah in 1869.
2. Purpose
This document exists because Alexander Topence wanted to depict the jubilant people exulting in the Golden Spike ceremony. Delving deeper, the author created this to express his slight notion of racism - It was a very hilarious occasion; everybody had all they wanted to drink all the time. Some of the participants got "sloppy," and these were not all Irish and Chinese by any means. What he meant was that Americans rarely get "sloppy", and people of other races are inferior to the Americans.
Basically, this type of format best portrays the situation at that time because the author recorded everything he saw explicitly and directly. It looks like a long conversation but simply "talking to himself". By doing so, the document can best reflect the author's perspective and feelings during the ceremony.
Then Stanford tried it again and tapped the spike and the telegraph operators had fixed their instruments so that the tap was reported in all the offices east and west, and set bells to tapping in hundreds of towns and cities... Looking at this sentence, we can infer that the intended audience is the people or citizens all over the United States. Alexander Topence wanted to inform all the people about the finished construction of the Transcontinental Railroad.
3. Value
Well, Alexander Topence was rather a little bit racist since he seemed to have a contemptuous tone throughout the article. He thought Americans are superior to Irish, Chinese, Mexicans, and other races.
The Union Pacific Railroad Co. and the Central Pacific Railroad Co. were constructing the Transcontinental Railroad during 1863 to 1869. In the mean time, the American Civil War broke out during 1861 to 1865, thus causing the construction of the railroad to come to a standstill. For instance, disagreement arose over its path. The Northern states preferred a northern route, and the Southern states favored a southern route. But after the southern states seceded from the Union in 1861, the Congress was enabled to select a route that ran from Nebraska to California. This piece reflected the finish of the construction and the Golden Spike ceremony at that time.
One controversy present in this primary source is the workers' mood towards this ceremony. According to Alexander, everyone was having champagne and cheering for finishing the construction. However, were some too exhausted to celebrate in the ceremony? Did the Chinese argued for compensation because they were maltreated during the construction by the Central Pacific Railroad Co? Apparently, the author was standing on the more positive side of the controversy. He thought all men were jovial to witness this milestone in American transportation history.
4. LimitationThe Union Pacific Railroad Co. and the Central Pacific Railroad Co. were constructing the Transcontinental Railroad during 1863 to 1869. In the mean time, the American Civil War broke out during 1861 to 1865, thus causing the construction of the railroad to come to a standstill. For instance, disagreement arose over its path. The Northern states preferred a northern route, and the Southern states favored a southern route. But after the southern states seceded from the Union in 1861, the Congress was enabled to select a route that ran from Nebraska to California. This piece reflected the finish of the construction and the Golden Spike ceremony at that time.
One controversy present in this primary source is the workers' mood towards this ceremony. According to Alexander, everyone was having champagne and cheering for finishing the construction. However, were some too exhausted to celebrate in the ceremony? Did the Chinese argued for compensation because they were maltreated during the construction by the Central Pacific Railroad Co? Apparently, the author was standing on the more positive side of the controversy. He thought all men were jovial to witness this milestone in American transportation history.
As stated previously, we can't tell how all the foreign workers reacted to this incident. In addition, he did not clarify why "I do not remember what any of the speakers said now, but I do remember that there was a great abundance of champagne." Was he implying that the practical ceremony, which is celebrated for those arduous workers to cheer for the finish of the railroad construction, is more important than those prodigious speeches?
We can verify this content by understanding the history behind this - the American Civil War, race relations, and the building of the first Transcontinental Railroad. This piece doesn't inaccurately reflect anything about the time period.
1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
A: Communication and Transportation Revolution; The Golden Spike ceremony describes the exulting times after the construction of the railroad in which workers and the two companies expressed their indescribable amazement and joy. The Transcontinental Railroad was the first railroad every built to cross a nation from the east to west, marking an indispensable milestone in American history.
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
A: Invention; Ingenuity, and Entrepreneurs (Invention: Transcontinental Railroad; Entrepreneurs: Central Pacific Railroad Company and Union Pacific Railroad Company); Race Relations: Abolition, Segregation, and Anti-Semitism (Chinese, Irish, and Mexican workers); Urbanization: Construction of the Modern City (this innovative transportation boosted economy); Building the Modern Economy (faster transportation, more time-consuming)
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
A: We were studying the history of the Transcontinental Railroad at that time. Therefore, I decided to choose a primary source that relates to the railroad since I can gain additional knowledge and memorize the history easier through more evaluations and readings. Because my case study 2 accidentally disappeared when I saved the page as draft, I had to redo this artifact. Therefore ... I spent almost 5 hours on doing for the first time and redoing for the second time.
3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
A: Golden Spike ceremony, how workers were excited about the finish of the construction, disagreement among the path of the railroad, history of the Transcontinental Railroad and American Civil War.
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
A: No, because there are no creativities in this artifact. It's merely an evaluation of a primary source.
5. Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio
b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
c) Impact on your learning d) Level of creativity and originality
A: a) 1; Adds new information about the westward expansions during the United States in the 1800s, but is lack of technology (no videos ... prezi ... etc.).
b) -3; I prefer artifacts that allow me to show my creativity, not those that confine my ideas behind the jail bars. In addition, I had to redo the whole thing because I lost my case study 2 page!
c) 3; I learned some really basic historical facts about the Transcontinental Railroad.
c) 3; I learned some really basic historical facts about the Transcontinental Railroad.
d) -5; This artifact didn't include any creativity.
6. Any additional comments.
Artifact 6: Idea Page
1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
A: Nationalism and Liberalism: Creation of the Nation-State ; Liberalism is the belief in the importance and notion of individual rights and freedom. President Lincoln was trying to abolish slavery so that the southern slaves can gain their freedom and rights. And that was one of the processes in sculpting the United States nowadays - a nation-state of democracy.
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
A: Race Relations: Abolition, Segregation, and Anti-Semitism (abolition of slavery); Human Health (diseases killed twice as many soldiers that those lost in the war); Class Consciousness (struggle between slaves and higher-class people); Gender Roles and the Liberation of Women (perspectives of women)
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
A: This is a mandatory artifact, and we are required to relate our notes to the American Civil War. It took me 1.5 hours (including class time and individual work at home).
3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
A: The cause of the American Civil War during 1861 to 1865 (slavery problems --> whether to abolish or not), struggle between the North (Union) and South (Confederacy), the leaders of the Union and Confederacy, some basic chronological events of the Civil War, the ratification of the 13th Amendment, President Lincoln's decisions and ideas, abolition of slavery, and the perspectives of different people during the American Civil War.
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
A: No, because it's quite obvious that no creativity is included in this artifact. It's just a normal idea page - facts, information, facts, and information.
5. Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio
b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
c) Impact on your learning d) Level of creativity and originality
A: a) 2; I tried to write as neatly as possible. I think it was mediocre, but I should write something for the box at the bottom left (such as how this artifact relates to the world nowadays...etc.)
b) 4; Many of the notes came from the Luddites Simulation, which was pretty fun and educational. I enjoyed a lot!
c) 5; I'll rate it five because this idea page contains a lot of information about the Luddites, including how machines replaced these workers and how they planned conspiracies to avenge the factory owners of replacing them with machinery.
d) 1; This artifact didn't include any creativity.
6. Any additional comments.
A: Some questions to ponder over:
a) How was the economy different between the North and South?
b) What was the capital city of the US at that time?
c) What is the purpose of the government?
d) What were John Wilkes Booth's reasons for assassinating President Lincoln?
e) What kind of disease killed twice as many soldiers than those lost in the war?
f) When are governments justified in waging wars?
a) How was the economy different between the North and South?
b) What was the capital city of the US at that time?
c) What is the purpose of the government?
d) What were John Wilkes Booth's reasons for assassinating President Lincoln?
e) What kind of disease killed twice as many soldiers than those lost in the war?
f) When are governments justified in waging wars?
Artifact 7: Google Sketch-up recreation of a Civil War Battleground
The Battle of Gettysburg
The Union eventually won the battle.
1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
A: Race Relations: Abolition, Segregation, and Anti-Semitism (The civil war was fought because the Confederacy wanted to protect their "southern way of life", and the Union intended to protect a democratic government. Generally, the cause could be said to be whether or not to abolish slavery. The previous reason is actually more correct than the latter one.)
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
A: Human Expression through the Arts (creating this piece of 3D artwork)
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
A: I chose the Battle of Gettysburg because it was considered as one of the bloodiest battles in American history. It was also a turning point in the civil war in which the Union regained its power after they defeated General Lee in this battle. I spent an hour watching the tutorial videos can four hours to create this piece of work.
3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
A: A little bit of background information about the Battle of Gettysburg, but didn't learn much because for most of the time I was sketching up the 3D composition.
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
A: No, because the creation isn't really sophiscated and detailed.
5. Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio
b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
c) Impact on your learning d) Level of creativity and originality
A: a) 4; The first Google Sketchup creation in my portfolio.
b) 2; Personally, I thought it was quite hard to navigate and control Google Sketchup. There were some flaws in it and made it hard to create the battlefield.
c) -2; Besides some general facts about the Battle of Gettysburg, I didn't learn much.
d) 2; The soldiers were downloaded from Google Sketchup.
6. Any additional comments.
A: I downloaded the soldiers. This battlefield took place on the second day of the battle.
Artifact 8: Student Free Choice
Louisiana Purchase Parody: The Dialog between James Monroe and Napoleon Bonaparte (by Allen Wang and Daniel Liu)
Lousiana Purchase Webquest
Questions answered according to this website:
1. How much land did the United States buy from France?
A: The US purchased more than 2 million sq km (800,000 sq mi) of land that extended from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains.
2. When did the purchase take place?
A: The treaty of this purchase was signed on April 30, 1803. The Louisiana territory was later handed over to the United States by France on December 20, 1803.
3. What was the total cost?
A: The total cost was 60 million francs, about $15 million.
4. How did the purchase of this land affect the size of the United States?
A: The size of the United States doubled after the purchase.
5. How did the President violate the Constitution by making the Louisiana Purchase?
A: The Constitution didn't specifically allow the President Thomas Jefferson to acquire the new territory by treaty. Even so, the president suggested that the possible benefits will outweigh the probable violation of the Constitution, and the Constitution agreed with that.
6. What were Napoleon Bonaparte's plans for the land that he ended up selling?
A: Napoleon hoped to utilize the Louisiana territory as a major food supply and trade center to support the island of Hispaniola, which would be the heart of his envisioned French Empire.
7. Why did he give up his plan?
A: First of all, Napoleon lost his control over Hispaniola. He then designated his brother-in-law, Charles Leclerc, to suppress the Haitian rebellion. In spite of several military successes, numerous soldiers died during the ferocious battles, mainly because of the yellow fever. Napoleon then realized that he had to abandon this island. Without Hispaniola, there would be no legitimate reasons to keep the Louisiana territory, thus giving up his plan.
8. What are the main reasons he decided to sell the land to the United States?
A: The territory became useless when Napoleon had to abandon Hispaniola. In addition, he couldn't spare any more troops to defend this island as he had a renewed war with Great Britain. Funds were also needed to support his military ventures in Europe.
1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
A: The Balance of Power: Empires Rise and Fall; The power of the French Empire gradually declined as Napoleon sold the Louisiana territory. Also, he had to suppress the Haitian rebellion, which also decreased his empire's overall strength.
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
A: Building the Modern Economy (free navigation of the Mississippi River, more natural resources...etc.); The Notion of the Frontier (expanding territory)
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
A: Creating a dialog between James Monroe and Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the options for student choices that the teacher suggested. Daniel and I thought it was an excellent idea! Besides, the Louisiana Purchase was one of the crucial events categorized under westward expansion that we can't miss for our artifacts. Daniel and I spent the whole day during Thanksgiving holidays on video-taping and editing. However, I spent 4 hours additional to finish the remaining editing during the following Saturday. Daniel probably spent 2 to 3 hours on the script.
3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
A: YES! A great deal of creativity is included. Besides the parody, I also included the webquest questions and answers. We enjoyed making my FIRST edited video ever in my life.
5. Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio
b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
c) Impact on your learning d) Level of creativity and originality
A: a) 5; My first edited video ever ... and my first parody of my online portfolio.
b) 4; That day was full of ... well, happiness, hunger, laughter, and much computer time. The reason why it isn't rated 5 is because of the time we spent ...
c) 5; Reading the article from the webquest and answering the questions expanded my knowledge on the Louisiana Purchase.
c) 5; Reading the article from the webquest and answering the questions expanded my knowledge on the Louisiana Purchase.
d) 5; Extremely creative! (I think...)
6. Any additional comments.
A: Here, I have to thank Daniel for creating the script ... a hilarious script, but still containing historical facts that people can learn while laughing at our actions. He probably has to thank me for editing the video, too. We worked on the subtitles together. The video took place in one of the public facilities in my apartment - the kids' reading room. Don't laugh, we just couldn't find anywhere else that has nice round tables, wide book shelves, and tiny chairs. We hope you laugh while watching the video!
Artifact 9: Student Free Choice
The Trail of Tears - Poems
1. The Unknown (a native American's perspective)
A sudden bedlam
Spread across the untamed land
Like a pool of restless fire
Burning and penetrating
Into our fearful hearts
Where are our rights
To occupy this land
Why is discovery
Greater than occupancy
But they never reply
Those puffy white clouds
Then they come
Hollering and hurtling
With long blackened branches
That make us laugh
Our arrows travel fast
So does the relentless time
Laughter vanish
As the tree branches
Fire killing seeds
In exiled sorrow and inanition
We packed up
Wiped our sadness
For a seemingly perpetual journey
Into the wild unknown
2. Untamed Specie (A white man's perspective)
Magisterial and impelling
We marched down
To the southern states
To conquer the untamed specie
For our nation's glory
Who are they
Just some wild hogs
And who are we
Merciless hunters
And animal trainers
They need to be educated
Our esteemed President says
And then we came
Sweeping away the red fallen leaves
Telling them the beauty of the West
With sly and stealth
After numerous negotiations
And bloody battles
We're glad to say farewell
To those untamed animals
Leaving their homeland
Leaving with tears
1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
A: Human Movement and Migration; The Trail of Tears describes how native Indians were driven out of their homeland, migrating to the wild west.
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
A: The Notion of the Frontier (The white craved for the southeastern land for agricultural use. They were expanding their territories.)
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
A: The Trail of Tears was an vital historical event about westward expansion. I'll definitely be contrite if I didn't include this event in my portfolio. It relates how Native Indians were treated maliciously by the egotistical white men. In addition, I quite enjoy writing poems, and I spent much of the time writing the two poems in class. Approximately one hour spent.
3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
A: History of The Trail of Tears, how native Indians were generally maltreated by the white men, and the brutal ways they forced the Indians out of their homelands.
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
A: No, because the poem could be more beautiful. For example, rhymes and rhythms could be included.
5. Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio
b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
c) Impact on your learning d) Level of creativity and originality
A: a) 4; Adds elegance in form but brutalizations in the contents.
b) 4; I've always enjoyed writing poems ... but while I'm creating these two poems, I felt quite sympathetic and aggravated about how the white treated the Native Americans.
c) 5; Before I can create the poems, I had to read "The Trail of Tears" so that I know the background information of the incident. Therefore, I learned how deceitful and merciless the government was and how discontent, wars, and bedlams arose at that time.
d) 4; I wrote this poem. The metaphors I make are fairly creative.
d) 4; I wrote this poem. The metaphors I make are fairly creative.
6. Any additional comments.
A:"Why is discovery, greater than occupancy, but they never reply, those puffy white clouds" describes how the Indians' "right of occupancy" was subordinated to the United states' "right of discovery". The clouds are a metaphor of the white men - egotistical and smug, just like an "inflated" cloud. The blackened branches refer to the guns the white had. Similarly, the killing seeds refer to bullets. At last, the untamed specie indicates the "wild" Indians (in the white's perspectives).
Artifact 10: Student Free Choice
Early 1800s Microscope Culpeper Nuremberg Tripod Wood
- wooden microscope
- monocular type
- specimen would be placed on a wooden slider
- one reflection mirror
- use the brass screw type to focus the specimen (it's frozen in place)
- height of the scope: 14 inches
- base: 4 inches wide
1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
A: The Universe through a Microscope (as the artwork shows an antique microscope used in the 1800s.)
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
A: None
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
A: I've always enjoyed drawing. Creating artwork is an important part of my portfolio. Therefore, I decided to draw a picture of a microscope that was utilized in the 1800s in the United States so that readers can have an idea on what microscopes looked like at that time. I spent 2 hours drawing and listing the facts.
3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
A: Not much, but I learned that microscopes in the 1800s weren't advanced, as most of the microscopes were wooden and didn't have different types of tubes to focus the specimen.
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
A: No, because not much learning was given.
5. Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio
b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
c) Impact on your learning d) Level of creativity and originality
A: a) 4; Artwork is an vital part of my portfolio.
b) 4; As I've said before, I enjoy drawing (even though I'm not really good at art.)
c) -3; Besides the understanding I wrote in Q3, I didn't learn much. I was drawing the microscope for most of the time.
c) -3; Besides the understanding I wrote in Q3, I didn't learn much. I was drawing the microscope for most of the time.
d) 3; The facts ARE facts. I didn't create them or anything.
6. Any additional comments.
A: Yes, my drawing isn't that good. All outstanding artists, please give me some comments!!
Artifact 11: Student Free Choice
Magnificent AMERICAN Telescope, signed 1800's
- with original tripod stand by Henry Waldstein, 41 Union Square, New York, circa 1860's.
- cased Terrestrial/Celestial Telescope of the Civil War ear of monumental proportions.
- case: over 54", made of American Walnut with no cracks or flaws
- telescope is over 5 feet in length
- made by Henry Waldstein
- 3 lenses: Sun Lens, Terrestrial Lens, Celestial Lens
- objective lens: 3" in diameter
1. a) Which main topic does the artifact relate to? In what ways?
A: The Universe through a Telescope (since the artwork shows American telescope)
b) Which other main topics does it also relate to?
A: None
2. Why did you choose this artifact, and how much time did you spend creating and/or processing it?
A: I found the telescopes in 19th century in the US to be singular and unique in a way that prompted me to portray one of the telescopes that I liked. I spent 2 hours on drawing the telescope and typing the facts.
3. What insights and understanding have you gained from the creation and/or processing of this artifact?
A: This telescope was created around 1860 and had a large tripod. Comparing that to modern telescopes, we can infer that telescopes are becoming smaller and more efficient for scientists to conduct celestial observations.
4. Does this artifact reflect your best work and/or ideas? Why, or why not?
A: No, because I didn't learn much!
5. Rate this artifact on a scale of -5 to 5(0 is neutral) for the following 4 criterion:
a) Impact on the quality of your Portfolio
b) Impact on your level of happiness/enjoyment
c) Impact on your learning d) Level of creativity and originality
A: a) 3; Love artwork...Put another element into my portfolio.
b) 4; I enjoy drawing, as usual. But I was quite frustrated when the artwork didn't reach my expectation.
c) -3; Didn't learn much. Only understood the basic structures of the telescopes at that time.
c) -3; Didn't learn much. Only understood the basic structures of the telescopes at that time.
d) 2; Those facts weren't thought up by myself.
6. Any additional comments.
A: Hope you like the "telescope" !
not complete
Nice second artifact...
ReplyDeletekeep up the....